noun –
a vacation spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions.

There’s staycationing and then there’s staycationing while high.
The benefits are plentiful, too—-vacations can be hella pricey. Why enjoy the fruits of your labor by squandering the harvest? The next time you hear your body telling you to unwind, pull out some ganja and take a real staycation.
First off, they can save you mucho bank, which means you can take them more often. Convince a fellow fun-loving canna-connoisseur to take time off and it can include your favorite people, as well. As far as I’m concerned, cannabis is an integral part of a dope staycation. It’s not solely about hopping off that treadmill but rather pampering yourself self-care, relaxation and overall bliss.
Your staycay could involve chilling at home, someone else’s abode, or at your favorite museum or matinee (outdoorsy) – and best of all, any number of your favorite forms of marijuana.
Dig the following suggestions that can help you create the itinerary of your haziest, euphoric day dreams.
For most folks, the word cannabis is synonymous with relaxation. It stands to reason as most indica strains have relaxation properties essentially built into to their DNA.
What’s your definition of relaxation? It may involve:
Toking out and just chillin’ at the crib, listening to music, or whatever your high heart desires in the moment. It may involve binge watching all the goodies you’ve stored up on your watchlist. Gaming enthusiasts, fell free to indulge…
Light some cannabis candles and take a nice, long canna-bath followed by slathering yourself with any number of quality bud-infused products on the market. Whoopi & Maya & Sacred offer a variety of items that invite a sense of calm elevation. And don’t sleep on slumber. Multiple hours of uninterrupted sleep may sound a tad wasteful (and dare I say, lazy), but nothing says self-care like good ole restorative shut-eye.

For those of you who enjoy a more active means of staycatin’ (and you’re not too concerned with the possibilities of your co-workers spotting you high and happy during during the work-week), consider getting lifted and checking out an art or science exhibit at your local museum.
Satiate your munchies at a favorite, or new restaurant.
Thrill seekers may want to take a day trip to an amusement park or extreme sports activity.
Go on a day trip, biking, skating or wind surfing. Sky high is the limit.
Let your high mind guide you towards a fulfilling, fun destination.
For some of us, the first stop of exploration could be your own kitchen. Is there a (cannabis infused) recipe you’ve been dying to make? It’s your staycation, so you’ve got nothing but time.
Reconnecting with nature under the influence of ganja is an exploration in and of itself. It’s rejuvenating, too. Hiking, swimming, spending a day in the park… for an extended staycation, try camping out. You don’t have to head to the woods to soak up nature’s beauty either. You can sun bathe or star gaze from the comfort of your home or your local park.
Maximize marijuana’s restorative properties by getting lit and partaking in yoga, meditation or pilates.
Schedule yourself a spa day, or get a massage – with cannabis oil, of course.
Truth is, indulging in whatever healthy practices that recharge your batteries is the ultimate goal of cannabis-infused staycation, so plan wisely, get blissed and pamper with pride.
Written by Cannama on October 20, 2017 for EstroHaze